FBI reports indicate...
- The Top 5 items stolen in a home burglary are:
- Guns
- Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs & prescription medicines! (Surprised?)
- Video equipment (TVs, DVDs, cameras and computers)
- Audio equipment (Stereos, IPODS, etc)
- Jewelry and cash (most people guess this is #1)
Police reports also indicate...
- Most break-ins are the "smash and grab" type-in and out in 8 minutes or less, regardless of an alarm system or not.
- Security breaches normally occur between 10 am and 2 pm!
- Most break-ins are performed by young adult males,18-26
- Reports also indicate that when thieves run into a high quality safe (like Liberty) they usually leave without taking a thing. They know they do not have enough time nor expertise to get in. Liberty Safe protects the front-end of burglary, even when a thief knows there is a home alarm system.